Aristide Maillol
1861 - 1944
Aristide Joseph Bonaventure Maillol was a French sculptor, painter, and printmaker, born in Banyuls-sur-Mer, Roussillon. In 1885, he enrolled in the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.
Initially, Maillol worked extensively with decorative tapestries and terracotta figurines. Eventually the focus of his work shifted to sculpture, the medium for which he is most renown.
He did create some graphic work, such as woodcut illustrations for woodcut illustrations for an edition of Vergil's Eclogues published by Harry Graf Kessler in 1926–27. He also illustrated Daphnis and Chloe by Longus in 1937 and Chansons Pour Elle by Paul Verlaine in 1939.
The prints displayed here are from a French translation of Virgil’s poem The Georgics (Les Géorgiques.) The majority of the prints made for that series were in black ink.
These prints are in red ink (sanguine). This was a limited edition of 10. The prints in this series are 8 of 10.